Tyler the Bobcat®

Tyler the Bobcat®


Tyler's is now an Ambassador 

Tyler the Bobcat®

  Tyler the Bobcat® is a rescued Bobcat that is now an Ambassador to help bring educational awareness about Wildlife!    

The story of Tyler the Bobcat®

On 06/19/2019 at 9am my world was shaken by a call from the game warden about a baby bobcat that was just seized.

I spoke with the game warden to gain information about this sweet precious baby that was needing my help, I sat and listen trying to fight back tears and anger as I was being told that these monsters thought it was funny to torture and kill the mother bobcat, and to keep a 3 week old male baby bobcat who was in the hands of Monsters that was keeping him in a cage and starving him and at the same time letting hunting dogs attack him threw the cage.

These sick monsters were using this sweet baby as a training aid for their hunting dogs.

I arranged to meet with the transport to take custody of this scared little bobcat, during my drive all I could do was hope and pray to the Fur Spirits above that the sweet baby will survive.

Upon receiving Tyler I had noticed several injuries in addition to malnourishment and dehydration, as I reached in to the carrier to try and hold Tyler he was so scared he tried with all his little strength that he had to fight me, but as I spoke with such a soft tone I let him know he was going to be safe.

Upon arriving back at my office, I had immediately started IV fluids and antibiotics, upon Tyler exam it was noticed that his right eye was cut and infected the back-hind area was badly torn open and infected .

During Tyler’s recovery time it was a fight with every second, it was a race against the clock to save his life to make sure that he was getting the proper nutrition and supplements and medications to save his life, If I tried to put Tyler in his recovery area or leave his side he would start to panic and cry, so it came to the point to where I would cuddle with him 24/7 to help give him body heat and comfort to keep him calm and to let him know he was safe.

Because of these horrible monsters and the torture and malnourishment they put Tyler threw he suffers from an Immune & Bone deficiency; Tyler's front paws are turned outward and are in need of surgery, Tyler has to have special supplements mixed in his meat meals 3x a day, these supplements and his meat are very expensive but it is worth it to save his life.

Tyler is now a very loving playful bobcat even with his health issues, I truly love when he jumps in my lap and starts to purr or when I’m lying on the floor, he comes running over to body slam me.

Spiritual Wildlife Rescue