Tyler the Bobcat®

Tyler the Bobcat®


Help Supprt our Wildlife 

Be a Hero

Your donations are needed! We specialize in the care of injured, orphaned, and displaced animals. We provide food, shelter, medical treatment, and rehabilitation therapy. We also offer educational presentations to show people and school groups that wildlife rehabilitation is what we do best! All donations are tax-deductible.

Please help us meet the dietary needs of the wildlife animals in our care!

Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary is a 501(c)3 non-profit rescue group. We rely on donations from compassionate people like you to meet the dietary needs of the wildlife animals in our care. Your donation will help us provide vital sustenance to these animals, and in turn, help them recover and be released back into the wild. Thank you for your support!

A great way to feed the wildlife!

Make a one-time pledge to help feed rescued wildlife. Becoming a wildlife rescue sponsor will allow this rescue & rehabilitation sanctuary group to adhere to a more balanced diet and better care for our rescued animals. Click below today to make a donation!

Spiritual Wildlife Rescue