Tyler the Bobcat®

Tyler the Bobcat®


Educational Animals

Met our assistant teachers in our Educational classes

The non-releasable animals of SWRRS are not pets.

They are permitted animals that did not rehabilitate due to injury or being kept illegally as a pet.

 They must go through vigorous veterinarian testing and approval and several permitting processes in order to allow us to keep these animals in captivity to use for education.

The staff of SWRRS has received all their vaccinations including a pre-exposure rabies vaccine in which they maintain a titer to ensure they are protected even though all our non-releasable rabies vector species are also vaccinated.

It is ILLEGAL to keep wildlife or rehabilitate without the proper permits and training in Texas and Oklahoma, Colorado.

Tyler the Bobcat

Tyler the Bobcat

Tyler the Bobcat®

Tyler was brought to Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary, Inc. as an orphan baby with sever injuries.

Because of his injuries Tyler is non-releasable, he continues to have health issues and his front paws will need surgery.


Zena the Blind Fox

Zena is a grey fox that was brought to 

Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary, Inc.

As an orphan Zena had ticks that was attached to her eyes and the people who found her tried to remove the ticks and this caused injures to her eyes.

Zena suffers from seizures and is also a non-releasable.

Zena and Tyler are best friends since they where little babies together.




Fiona was brought to Spiritual Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Sanctuary, Inc. in October 2020.

In November 2019 Fiona was found when she was only 2 days old, after her mother was killed by the owners of a cabin ( they kept Fiona and gave her siblings away - ILLEGAL).

During her upbringing she was feed the wrong formula as a baby, and then into her junior years was also feed the wrong food.
During Fiona time the owners was getting tired of dealing with her health issues and food aggression and finally decided to surrender her to our Wildlife organization.

Fiona is also a non-releasable due to server health issues.

Fiona is on the proper food and supplements and is gaining weight and very loving and playful.
Tippy the Red Fox

Tippy the Red Fox

Tippy the Red Fox

Tippy was rescued from a fur breeders farm. 
Captain Jack

Captain Jack

Captain Jack 

Captain Jack is a loving a playful grey fox despite only having 3 legs. Capt. Jack leg was shattered in an illegal leg trap that shattered his leg and nerve despite every effort to try and save his leg the vet wasn’t able to, but in order to save his life Capt. Jack leg was amputated to stop the infection from killing him. Today jack still is playful and a Dr. Pepper  theft. 

Spiritual Wildlife Rescue