Tyler the Bobcat®

Tyler the Bobcat®


Would you like to receive more information on how you can help?

Contact us

Please contact us if you would like to know more information on how you can help Tyler the Bobcat ® and his Fur friends.

Please understand that at this time we are limited on taking in certain wildlife but we can always help you locate the proper wildlife rehabilitator that is State License to help out.

We DO NOT take venomous snakes.

If you have any EMERGENCY - Please call ASAP (do not email )

Please be 18 years of age or older when you call or have your parents call.

Do not touch the animal at all or offer food or water. Place the animal in a box by using gloves and a thick blanket (not a towel) and provide air holes in the box. Place the box in a quiet location and keep it away from sunlight, pets, children, and ants. 

Do not try to be an internet rehabber. You can kill the animal with incorrect care and expose yourself, your family and pets to diseases. 

Up to this point, you have done everything you to ensure that the animal is given the best care. This animal cannot thank you enough. 

  Please call us if you need assistance. 7 days a week, including holidays 24/7.  

(817) 422-6080 


P.O. Box 151098, Arlington TX 76015

Contact us by Email
Spiritual Wildlife Rescue